Emmedue S.p.A Group:
mactubi teclan zinelli


Energy Project 2022-23: road to energy independence 11/09/2023

At the beginning of 2022, Mac Tubi S.p.A approved a medium-term energy project "Energy 22-23".

The goal is to reach the virtual energy indipendence, producing enough electricity than used.

To reach this important target, three investments have been approved:

1) by 2022 the first photovoltaic system "e-MT1" on Building 1, for 360 KWp; Done: YouTube Video 

2) by 2023 the second "e-MT2" and third "e-MT3" photovoltaic systems on Building 3 and 5 (for 168 KW+ 599 KW):

For a total of 1127 KW

04/09/2023: "e-MT3" works start today.

20/09/2023: "e-MT2" works start today.

3) During 2022-2023 investments on process energy efficiency

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